

Synonym for Quality & Trust

since 1896


Made in Germany

Schweickhardt customers have received quality “Made in Germany” from their manufacturer since 1896.

Sold under the world-famous brand SCHWERT, we are one of the market-leading manufacturers and specialized producers for dental instruments, especially Implantology, Oral surgery and Orthodontics.

Customers and their desire for high-quality instruments are the driving force and motivation for our daily activities.

At our production site in the Tuttlingen region in southwest Germany, we can draw on an enormous wealth of experience going back for decades in some areas.

The quality of SCHWERT instruments is consistently advanced through ongoing professional training in all manufacturing techniques and by nurturing young, motivated employees.

SCHWERT instruments are sold worldwide through qualified specialist dealers.


Profit of our more than 125 year experience in the manufacturing and development of dental instruments.

SCHWERT offers an extensive range of instruments for all treatments.


High-grade instruments for precise surgical interventions and a perfect healing process.

Profit also in this area from our experience and a range of products with more than 4500 instruments.

SCHWERT on-site

1. – 2.3.2024 / Leipzig, Germany
id Infotage Dental
Hall 3  / Booth 3E16

15. – 16.3.2024 / Munich, Germany
id Infotage Dental
Hall 1  / Booth 1E17

19. – 21.4.2024 / Singapur
German Pavilion  / Booth P03

You want them? You get them!

You’re interested in purchasing our instruments and don’t have contact to a local dealer?

Please contact us. It will be our pleasure to help you to find and identify the closest distributor nearby.

Simply use our contact form →‎

A. Schweickhardt GmbH & Co. KG
Hersteller zahnärztlicher und chirurgischer Instrumente
Tuttlinger Straße 12
78606 Seitingen-Oberflacht

+49 7464 98910-700


A. Schweickhardt GmbH & Co. KG
Hersteller zahnärztlicher und chirurgischer Instrumente
Tuttlinger Straße 12
78606 Seitingen-Oberflacht

+49 7464 98910-700

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