SCHWERT Dental 19
140-2 TAC-Traction Extraction Forceps standard + diamond coated
1372-0 LUCAS Curettes
3635-1 APICO Endodontic Instruments
166-300 WITZEL Universal Root Forceps
614-30 Root Elevator FIG. 77R
1705-2 Tunneling Instruments
4085-00Ti Composite Modelling Kit
4881-100 Retraction Cord Packers Kit
617-20 P-LUX Periotomes
617-100 P-LUX Extraction Instruments
1790-90 IDR-Kit / Immediate Dentoalveolar Restoration
4926 Crown Spreader
1033-60 SAFE-EX Safety Blade Holder
1111-400B ULTRA Scissors
1697-01 – 1697-03 Bone Augmentation Instruments
4930 Crown Removing Pliers
2809-412 + 2809-512 SCHWERT MEGA-Mouth mirrors
1294-25 FOERSTER Instrument Holding Forceps
2563-20 Clips for Rinsing Hose Attachement
4931 Temporary Crown Remover
1033-51 SCHWERT Design Blade Holder
152-xx Extraction Forceps series
2600-60 Brushes with Nylon Bristles
1485-12Ti SCHWERT Composite Cone Burnisher
1111-400L Left-handed Scissors
2781-1 Mouthmirrorhandles
1790-250-02E SCHWERT Ergo Surgical Kit
6802-100 Prosthetics Screwdrivers Kit
3300-0x COLOR CODE Handles
3303-01Ti COLOR CODE Titanium Curettes
1705-185-00E SCHWERT Dr. Grassi Kits
1790-250-03E SCHWERT Ergo Surgical Kit
1790-250-09E SCHWERT Ergo Surgical Kit
1033-61 SAFE-EX 2 Safety Blade Holder
SCHWERT UpDate! Microsurgery
22505-0 Laryngeal Mirrors FS Rhodium
28601-11 Sterilization Container System
13052 SAFE-EX Safety Blade Holder
Reprocessing of resterlizable SCHWERT hand-held instruments
Trouble Shooting SCHWERT Needle Holders
614-2X AX-LUX Elevators
614-3X Apical Elevators
615-X BECK modified Elevator
617-01 P-LUX Elevators
1033-60/61 SAFE-EX Safety Blade Holder
1033-61/13051 SAFE-EX Safety Blade Holder
1070-00 Handle for Mini-blades
1720 SCHWERT Bone Mill
2606-XXX SCHWERT Sterile Container System
2666-X + 2668-X Dental Cartridge Syringes
2669-18 Dental Cartridge Syringes
2716-2 Self-filling Water Syringe
2808-X MICRO Mirrors
3409-1012 OPTIFLEX Contrast PA Probe Inserts
4085-00Ti Composite Instruments
4924-22 LIFT-EX
4930 Crown-Tractor
6802-72 SCHWERT Ratchet
3297 Medical White Oil
4930-14 DIATRAC Adhesive Powder
4930-15 Plastic Inserts
Proof of decontamination (EN)
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Information on data processing of personal data of our business partners
A. Schweickhardt GmbH & Co. KG Manufacturer of dental and surgical instruments Tuttlinger Straße 12 78606 Seitingen-Oberflacht Germany
+49 7464 98910-700